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Mad Max IV??????

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Astronauta alcohólico

Registrado: 12 Oct 2006
Mensajes: 1216
Ubicación: Chozodia, Planet Zebes

MensajePublicado: Vie Mar 16, 2007 11:52 am    Título del mensaje: Mad Max IV?????? Responder citando

'Mad Max' To Return -- Sans Gibson

George Miller, the Australian director behind the cult classic Mad Max and the man who won an Oscar last month for his animated Happy Feet, has disclosed plans to produced a Mad Max sequel. In an interview in Sydney with Agence France Presse, the French news agency, Miller said, "I have a few projects in the pipeline including an animation ... but I do want to make another Mad Max movie and get stuck back into that." Miller noted, however, that Mel Gibson, who starred in the original, would not be involved in he sequel. "He was 21 when he made the first one, now he's a lot older and his passion is for film making and directing," Miller said. "I don't think he is into acting and I don't think he would be interested in being involved at all."


Otra secuela de una saga ochentosa????
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Registrado: 05 Ene 2007
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Ubicación: Already dead

MensajePublicado: Vie Mar 16, 2007 8:59 pm    Título del mensaje: Responder citando

Y...Si Se viene otra mas de "Die Hard" es algo que se puede esperar....
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